Winning Over COVID 19

Siddha Mudra: Winning Over Covid-19

In recent breakthrough innovation, Dr. Salai Jaya Kalpana have invented the therapeutic application of ancient ‘Linga Mudra’ technique for COVID-19 and other viral infections; clinically applied it for her patients; collaborated and validated Linga Mudra’s self-heating ability in human body at IIT Madras and popularized this technique globally. Besides self-heating of human body, simultaneous increase in the oxygen levels and reduction of viral fevers including COVID-19 were observed during the validation study (Click here for ‘Research Validation of Siddha Mudra’). In the pandemic situation, thousands of COVID-19 patients got benefited by means of increasing and sustaining the O2 level and reducing the fever though this ‘Siddha Mudra’ technique.

How clinical application of Linga Mudra evolve? How does it work?

“In my experience as a Siddha Doctor cum researcher in the field of Siddha, Nadi diagnosis (based on Panchabootha, 6 tastes and 96 Tatwas), Varma techniques, there is an extraordinary, yet simple yogic tantric art called the ‘Siddha Mudra’, which I used to prescribe and found excellent results in prevention as well as cure for various ailments of my patients over a period of 15 years.

In our experience, mudras are effective in curing and supporting our patients infected with viral diseases and illness such as Chikungunya, Dengue, H1N1 etc. There are two types of validation we carry out, one the clinical way where the mudras are found effective to our patients with wide range of symptoms; the other, a scientific way where the validation is carried out using modern scientific devices.

In the COVID-19 context, we extended our support in terms of telephonic medical consultation, monitoring, assisting people on pre-COVID, COVID, post-COVID management and immunity boosting. Refer following pic for COVID-19 symptoms.

All such symptoms shall be co-related to Panchabootha imbalance (For example, the loss of smell is related to an imbalance of one of the Panchabootha, ‘earth’). All such imbalances can be regulated by hand mudras thus bringing back the patients to normalcy quickly.

Siddha Mudras are time-tested techniques and possess unique benefits such as faster healing, easier to apply (for self and for others) without any side effects which makes it a boon for humankind in pandemic situations like COVID-19.

Siddha Mudras for COVID-19

Following are some of the selective mudras prescribed for patients across the globe with symptoms mentioned in the pic and were found effective.

Pre-COVID Protection

  • Mann Mudra (Prithvi)
  • Prana Vyana Mudra

COVID Protection

  • Linga Mudra
  • Prana Vyana Mudra (Labathi)
  • Mann Mudra (Prithivi)
  • Prana Mudra
  • Heart Mudra
  • Pankaja Mudra

Post-COVID Protection

  • Prana Mudra
  • Pankaja Mudra

Siddha Mudra Vs COVID 19

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