
Find your Body Type (Dosha)

Find Your Body Type

What kind of body do I have?

Discover the type and shape of your body according to Ayurveda to know yourself better and love yourself more

Each Dosha has very specific characteristics, let’s see them together to identify what predominates in you…

Your Name

Whatsapp Number

History of Past illness (If any)

Whether fixed any foreign object in your body?

Choose your Body Frame

What is your Walk & Talk?

What is your reaction to the Weather Condition?

How you sweat and the odour of it?

Which best describes your appetite?

Which describes your skin type?

How would you best describe your hair?

How would you best describe your lips and teeth?

What do your eyes look like?

General signs

Which best describes your Memory level?

Which emotions do you most often experience?

Mind on Actions

How well do you sleep?

Which emotions do you often experience?

Tell us about your Dreams…

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